Dynamic media queries function to use with styled components

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Writing media queries is something we all must do, after all, today more than 80% (totally made up statistic) of your visitors are going to come from a mobile device.

When writing these you may have used the CSS variables approach which is fine, but with styled components, you can do something even better. ⁠ ⁠Here is an example of how my approach looks like


@media ${device.tablet} {
width: 100%;

As simple as that, and because this is javascript when you start typing ${device.'it autocompletes this part'}

Below you find the function that is used to achieve this. I've commented on the standard sizes you will likely need to use. However, I also left the sizes I've added throughout my project development. And I think this is the best approach when it comes to responsive design, not just following standards but adding your own, every website is different and needs unique tweaking.



const size = {
mobileS: "320px",
mobileMS: "345px",
mobileM: "375px",
mobileL: "425px",
mobileXL: "520px",
tabletMini: "620px",
tablet: "768px", // Standard
laptopS: "930px",
laptop: "1024px", // Standard
laptopL: "1360px",
laptopM: "1440px", // Standard
desktop: "2560px",// Standard
export const device = {
mobileS: `(max-width: ${size.mobileS})`,
mobileM: `(max-width: ${size.mobileM})`,
mobileMS: `(max-width: ${size.mobileMS})`,
mobileL: `(max-width: ${size.mobileL})`,
mobileXL: `(max-width: ${size.mobileXL})`,
tabletMini: `(max-width: ${size.tabletMini})`,
tablet: `(max-width: ${size.tablet})`,
laptopS: `(max-width: ${size.laptopS})`,
laptop: `(max-width: ${size.laptop})`,
laptopM: `(max-width: ${size.laptopM})`,
laptopL: `(max-width: ${size.laptopL})`,
desktop: `(max-width: ${size.desktop})`,
desktopL: `(max-width: ${size.desktop})`,
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